Psychology in Service
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
How can we help frontline community service workers connect with actionable psychological insights and generate concrete innovation ideas? Although mindsets and psychological interventions can influence health, educational, and mental health outcomes, little of this research has been translated for use by front-line community service providers. In this project, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, we created a free, hands-on, web-based toolkit so workers can map their clients journeys, apply psychological insights to enhance interactions, and brainstorm new, actionable solutions to help clients and further advance health equity. This evidence-based project synthesizes insights from designers, community innovators, and scholars to explain and address trauma, stigma, cultural differences, cognitive load, chronic loneliness, and increased agency and belonging.
Science Communication, Engagement / Design Strategy, Audience Insights, Research, Strategy & Planning, Media Concepts & Production, Foundations & Philanthropists, Healthcare, Wellness & Human Flourishing, Public Health
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Audience and landscape research
Expert interviews
Multimedia toolkit design, prototyping, production (digital, print)
Website design and implementation
Webinar and social media promotion
Example Media