Kindness In Action
bedari collective.
How might we activate kindness in action and at scale? The bedari collective, a family foundation, is committed to advancing kindness in both theory and practice. To augment its ongoing research initiative at UCLA, we developed a foundational point of view about designing for kindness in action. Our research combined a review and synthesis of both academic research and real-world innovations. We identified a growing network of organizations and institutions engaged or interested in promoting kinder spaces, interactions, and policies and conducted interviews across education, government, criminal justice, healthcare, and social services (e.g., homelessness, food insecurity, immigration, mental health). The project culminated in a white paper, case studies, an annotated bibliography, and working frameworks for design principles and applications. It will be used to inform future strategic options and an applied theory of change.
Engagement / Design Strategy, Audience Insights, Research, Strategy & Planning, Foundations & Philanthropists, Psychology, Public Health, Wellness & Human Flourishing, Public Policy
bedari collective.
Academic and community research and analysis
Framework and design principle development
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