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Improving Science Engagement

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

How can one of the nation’s largest funders of brain research craft communications to reach a diverse set of stakeholders? For the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), we designed and facilitated a series of online discussions among scientists, entrepreneurs, students, postdocs, and patients engaged or interested in a wide range of neuroscience research. These facilitated discussions were open to all NINDS leaders, program officers, and communications staff.


Together, we identified key themes to guide the NINDS in designing more robust ways to communicate with scientists and innovators whose research could advance NINDS priorities, and with patients, students, and public audiences with interests in brain health and disease. In a final report to the Institute, Worldview summarized findings and recommendations for communicating and strengthening a sense of belonging among stakeholders, evaluating and using a broader array of communications channels, supporting the development of personal contacts in career advancement, and communicating the mission and value of NINDS in aligned, but audience-specific, messages and channels.


Science Communication, Convenings, Strategy & Planning, Governments / NGOs, Neuroscience, Public Health, Public Policy


National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)


Engagement research and analysis

Experience design and facilitation

Strategic recommendations



Example Media

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