Selected Current Projects

American Psychedelic Practitioners Association
APPA is a new organization seeking to advance safe, effective and accessible psychedelic medicine services for behavioral health.
We worked with the board to develop APPA’s branding and website as a robust platform for advancing public education, advocacy and community.
We then designed and developed a content strategy and informational website and are developing a variety of community engagement tools, including newsletters, surveys, and online convenings, along with educational content.

Bedari Foundation: Kindness in Action
The Bedari Foundation is committed to advancing kindness in both theory and practice.
To augment its ongoing research initiative at UCLA, we are developing a foundational point of view about kindness in action, especially in public spheres. This will help inform a future value proposition and applied theory of change.
Our research combines a review and synthesis of both academic research and real-world innovations/case studies as well as identifying and interviewing potential partners and building a network of organizations and institutions interested in promoting kinder spaces, interactions, and institutions.
The project will culminate in a white paper and working framework on systemic kindness, foundational principles, and applications.